The Benefits of Quality Child Care for Working Parents

11 October 2024
 Categories: , Blog

As a working parent, finding quality child care can be a daunting task. However, the benefits of enrolling your child in a reputable child care program are numerous and can greatly outweigh any initial concerns or challenges.  Socialization and Development One of the most significant benefits of quality child care is the opportunity for children to socialize with peers and develop important social skills. In a group setting, children learn how to interact with others, share toys, take turns, and communicate effectively. Read More 

Remote Education For Your Child: Tips For Remote Learning Success

10 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Is your child ready to start their remote learning journey? With the incredible advances in remote education, children can receive a quality education from the comfort and safety of their own home. While the in-person experience of a classroom setting certainly has its benefits, there are easy ways you can guarantee that your child will have a positive experience learning remotely. Here are three tips to help make your child's remote learning experience even more effective. Read More 

Promoting Learning Through Online High School Programs

12 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Technology has advanced so rapidly that almost all services must now be delivered through online platforms. Students have also become so accustomed to interacting with technology in all aspects of their lives that it is feasible to move the educational system online. An example includes online high school courses, considered an upgrade of traditional curriculums. The programs allow your high school children to learn from home while guaranteeing access to comprehensive, up-to-date learning resources. Read More 

Summer STEAM Activities For Kids

10 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your child is poised to start Pre-K or kindergarten next year, you want to make sure that they thrive and see learning as fun. You can help them this summer by creating learning opportunities that can help them develop their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) skills. Here are some easy and fun STEAM activities that will help your toddler succeed next fall and beyond. Paper, String, and Pencils (PSP) Activity Read More 

Fun Ways To Help Your Young Child Identify Textures

4 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If your young child is learning about textures at the preschool that they attend, help them master the skills that they have been learning with the activities below. Each activity will pique your child's interest and help them recognize textures while playing: Mystery Bag Place several items that have different textures inside of a bag. Consider adding items that will be simple for your child to grasp and that do not have pointed edges or abrasive surfaces that could injure your child. Read More